Individual and Family Counseling
Whether you are presently involved with family members or are alone in this life, past or present family issues can impact our lives powerfully. If we have never dealt with them, or have not dealt with them adequately, these past hurts influence our relationships with others in the here and now. These issues will be gently uncovered and explored. Feelings are validated and new skills are learned to meet these challenges. For instance, you may need to learn new ways to confront in a positive manner or to grieve over past traumas. I will be with you in this struggle to learn healing ways that work for you.
Couple and Marriage Counseling
Often couples come to counseling when it is almost too late. I have helped many couples from going over the brink by teaching and demonstrating positive communication skills and helping each partner to really hear each other and understand the other’s concerns. Where there is emotional pain, each are encouraged to respond in an accepting and caring manner. There is resistance to this process as each may feel vulnerable. Again, I will be with you in the struggle. Many things play into this including family of origin issues, our individual values, the “I versus We” dynamic, and need to learn negotiation skills of each person’s needs in the relationship. Fair fighting rules are looked at and we together develop a list that is specifically designed for your couple’s needs.
When one partner is motivated to come in and the other is resistant, I will work with the motivated one on ways to change that dynamic. Let me help you with this with strategies that have worked in the past.
Your relationship is worth it.
Grief Counseling
This kind of counseling really applies to us all because grieving applies to any kind of loss. We have all experienced this in one form or another. Losses can be over losing a person through death or divorce, loss of a pet, loss of property, job, even loss of self-esteem when we have been humiliated, or loss of feeling safe from experiencing various traumatic situations. Loss of one’s childhood is especially troubling if there has been any kind of trauma in one’s past.
Grieving is a journey that is often painful but with your therapist validating and normalizing your feelings, healing is possible. Often a present loss triggers feelings from past losses and these can not be ignored. Understanding how the stages of grief apply to one’s situation can often bring immediate relief in knowing we can reach a healing outcome.
Drug and Alcohol Counseling
I especially bring both educational knowledge and personal experience to this important issue. Over a decade ago, I was involved in a life and death struggle with a dear friend as he wrestled with the devastating effects of alcoholism. After many times to the ER and several rehabs to assist my friend, I was there when he finally hit his bottom. Because of my knowledge of the subject and sheer perseverance to hang in there with him, he was able to face the reality of what he was doing to himself. With the help of God, he has now been sober for over 12 years.
Therapy and attendance at AA or NA is a good combination for any one looking to change their life for the better. There are also other groups that are very beneficial for family members concerned about loved ones and who want to be a support to them in the best way.
Play Therapy
Children express themselves differently from their adult parents. In a sense, they speak a different language. As a parent, it is often exasperating to understand their feelings and why they are behaving as they do. We may ask them direct questions only to find that we have gotten nowhere. Even the child doesn’t understand why they are doing certain behaviors. All they know is that they are feeling worse about themselves as they try to act out frustration, hurt, and anger in a disturbing manner.
Through play and art therapy, children and their parents will uncover what is bothering the child and bring the situation to a point of resolution. Since a parent is often too close to the situation, it takes a trained objective professional who cares to make this happen. Positive behavioral strategies are also discussed with the parents to help your child cooperate with your directions and instruction.
Teens also have difficulty expressing themselves. The creative therapies can help in facilitating a connection to bring about emotional healing for the teen and their family as well.